Monday, 25 July 2011


Hey ladies,
So last night my stomach was acting up pretty bad and I ended up having to go to the hospital. I am okay just in a LOT of pain... I don't know how often I will post this week because I am home now and taking lots of meds that make me sleepy... I'll try to keep you updated if things worsen.
Talk to you soon,

Saturday, 23 July 2011

OOTD, FOTD, and update

Hey ladies,
I am just posting a video because my space bar is acting up right now...
Talk to you soon,

Monday, 18 July 2011

Not blogging for a while

Hey ladies,
So as the title says, I won't be blogging for a while. This has been one of the worst weekends of my entire life. I don't know if I have told you guys in previous blogs but I am a vet tach student, I love animals, and I unfortunately had two of my own pets pass away this weekend. One of which I had since he was 2 hours old, so needless to say this is a very sad time for me as I treat my animals like children...
I will talk to you guys when I'm not so emotional,

R.I.P Joey and Snapper <3

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Gryffindor LOTD

Hey ladies,
Please excuse the hair... Im sick today :(

Any ideas for tomorrow's look?
Talk to you later,

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Slytherin LOTD

Here is my take on Slytherin, this is by far my favourite look so far, and I think I may wear it to work tomorrow :)

Also, if you would like to see the video version of this post, check out my youtube channel:

Talk to you soon,

Hufflepuff LOTD

I know this was supposed to be put up last night but my inspiration had me looking like a raccoon, but here are some pictures :)

Also, if you would like to see a video portion, check out my youtube channel:

Talk to you soon,

Monday, 11 July 2011


Hey ladies,
So, I am a HUGE Harry Potter fan and as this Friday is the premiere of The Deathly Hallows Part 2 I decided that I will do a Harry Potter inspired look everyday this week. So today is Ravenclaw's turn, I used a bright blue on the lid, a black based blue on the outer corner, silver as the highlight and (even though you can't see it in the pictures) bronze to line the upper lash line and lower water line.

Ps. Please ignore how red I am, I got a lot of sun this weekend!
Talk to you soon,

My Review of Brightening Eye Color

Originally submitted at

Luxuriously smooth, corn silk formula provides eyes with a neutral base and an awakened brightness. The formula blends into skin for a long lasting, beautiful effect. The 4 color quad allows for both natural and dramatic looks. Mirror in compact included.

Its okay...

By Tara from Canada on 7/11/2011


3out of 5

Pros: Long Lasting, Easy Removal, Good Colors

Cons: Difficult To Apply, Creases

Describe Yourself: Natural Style

This product is highly pigmented which is nice, but, I found that it was very difficult to blend out evenly, it always ends up looking awful when ever I put it on.


I took the weekend off

Hey ladies,
While I had planned to post once a day that just wasn't happening this weekend. I am so sick and not with just your average cold. I have some sort of immflamatory bowel issue, though we have yet to determine if that is just IBS or Crohn's Disease. So, just so everyone understands, if I stop posting for a while, this is most likely the reason. I feel like I may need to go to the hospital again (I was hopitalized last summer for 2 weeks) because I am getting some new symptoms. But yeah, I just figured I would give you some sort of update, and explain in advance incase I can't post. But for now, expect a review of some E.L.F. products tonight though that may be done on my youtube account.
Talk to you soon,

Friday, 8 July 2011

OOTD and E.L.F. Haul

Hey ladies,
So I am just posting a link to my youtube channel so you can watch the videos for my elf haul and my outfit of the day. Enjoy!
Talk to you soon,

ELF Order

Hey ladies,
I am so excited, my order just came in from elf, I will do a full haul when I get home tonight, and I believe my mom ordered mom because they have amazing deals going on.
Talk to you soon,

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Amazing deal!

Hey ladies,
I have to say, while I am disappointed that I haven't recieved my order yet, I am wanting to order more already... They are currently having a 70% site wide sale (excuding palettes) with any $25 purchase... Downside is it only lasts 45 more minutes... With prices like that? I say get your shop on!
Talk to you soon,

What I Chose

Hey ladies,
Just thought I would tell you what I chose for my anniversary, unfortunately I can't post pictures since Im at work but I did top 4 with skirt A the dimond necklace, small dimond studs and flip flops :) I mainly chose this because I work in an office setting so it works for work too :) I also did a light pink and brown eye, soft pink cheeks and a nude lip, I will post pictures tonight.
Talk to you later,

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

I fail at life sometimes

Hello for the 5th time today?
I can see this blog is quickly becoming my life haha, but I actually really enjoy it... But I am new, so I apologize for deleting everyone's comments... Twice... Lol, I WILL GET THE HANG OF THIS!
Talk to you soon,

Clothing S.O.S!!!!!!! *Pic Heavy*

So tomorrow is my one year anniversary with my incredible boyfriend, and instead of treating it like any other day, I want to make him say wow, I have one beautiful girlfriend... But I keep stressing the clothes, PLEASE HELP! Just say what number top to go with what letter bottoms, then any accessories you like :)

 So #4 hates me but its a orange red blouse


Wow, three posts in one day? Yeah, its slow at work, so I have time to kill. But, I just happened across KimmieKarmaLove's blog, and I think I love her for posting links to not one, not two, heck not even three, but SIX different giveaways. Seriously, what girl doesn't love free makeup? Great post Kimmie!
Here is the link to Kimmie's post:
Talk to you soon, (At this rate, that will probably be in an hour lol)

E.L.F. Cosmetics

Hey ladies,
So about 3 weeks ago I made my very first order from E.L.F. (eyes, lips, face) Cosmetics, here is a link if you haven't heard of them before:
Now, I have to say, I am so impressed with their prices, most of their products range from $1 to $3. I was sceptical at first because, really, how often do you pay $1 for something and it isn't garbage? Not often. And don't get me wrong, I have read many reviews on their products, and there are definately mixed reviews, but for the most part people rave about almost everything. So, I ended up ordering like 10 things, and they also have some amazing deals, you NEVER pay full price for everything, so I ended up getting like $4.98 off my shipping, which was nice because they didn't tell me that I would be paying a big shipping cost (it was like $8, and remember almost $5 was already taken off of that, and I thought I would only be paying $2) because I live in Canada. I have been so excited to get it, and I have read many articales saying people have recieved their order within 2 weeks, well today is exactly 3 weeks since my order has been shipped, and guess what? It still isn't here. I won't blame the company for this though, its not like they hand deliver the products, I just wish there was a better system, or a way we could track our orders (American residents can, unless they live in Hawii or Alaska), but they are very good about orders not coming, I emailed customer services yesterday and they said that if it isn't here within 31 days from the date it was shipped they will give me my money back, which is very nice! But anyway, have any of you ordered from E.L.F.? What are your thoughts?
Talk to you soon,

Amazing giveaway

Hey ladies,
Just thought I would give you guys a link to my favourite beauty blogger to date, her name is Alicia aka Funny Face Beauty and she has a monthly giveaway which is happening right now, check her out and subscribe to her please, you won't be disappointed!
Here is a link to the giveaway:
Talk to you soon,

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Makeup of the Day

Hey guys,
Here is my makeup for work today, it was sort of a grey gradient starting light in the inner corner, then getting darker as it moves away from the inner corner, then lined the top lash line and lower water line with black shadow. Then a light pink cheek and a nude lip. I love a bolder eye these days for work because I now wear glasses, so if you ladies have any ideas for makeup for glasses please post them, I would love to see your creations!
Talk to you soon,

Monday, 4 July 2011

Blue smokey eye

Here is my take on a blue smokey eye using Maybelline Eye Studio in spirited seas... I think this would look spectacular on a darker skin tone, but for me I may only wear it when I go out to the bars, even then it is fairly bold for me...I love the colors though, I'm going to keep playing with this quad and try to come up with a more wearable look...


Hey there fellow beauty lovers,
My name is Tara, I'm 19, and I am in love with makeup, as you may have already guessed. Now, I won't claim to be a professional, because believe me, I have plenty to learn. But, I do love to play and experiment with makeup and other beauty products. I am creating this blog because I would love to share my different looks with people who share the same passion for makeup that I do, but in addition, I would love to see what other people create, and eventually, as this blog grows, I would like to do contests and giveaways. I have many ideas already, and I'm sure you can expect a haul and an outfit of the day shortly, as well as tips for beauty on a budget, because believe me, I of all people know that sometimes beauty has to take a backseat in this economy, especially while I am in school. So, in short, I hope you continue to read on and I look forward to chatting with you on future posts. 
Talk to you soon,